
Niagara Framework

  Building & Industrial Automation 

Easily Connects Intelligence Systems

Open automation Solutions

Tridium is the developer of Niagara Framework® — a comprehensive software platform for the development and deployment of connected products and device-to-enterprise applications. Niagara provides the critical device connectivity, cyber security, control, data management, device management and user presentation capabilities needed to extract value and insight from real-time operational  Niagara enables diverse monitoring, control and automation systems to communicate and collaborate in buildings, data centers, manufacturing systems, smart cities and more.

Niagara connects and translates data from nearly any device or system. Watch the video to learn more.


Niagara Supervisor

The Niagara Supervisor provides server-level functions for a network of JACE, Niagara Edge and other field devices configured to achieve energy performance goals, occupant comfort and other desired outcomes. The Niagara Supervisor serves real-time graphical information to standard web-browser clients and performs essential functions such as analytics, centralized data logging/trending, archiving to external databases, alarming, dashboarding, system navigation, master scheduling, database management, and integration with other enterprise software applications.

Key features and values:


  • Visualization & Analytics: Niagara not only offers the visualization improvements of the HTML5 standard, it also supports tag-based graphics. Niagara Analytics package is native to Niagara Supervisor, offering data source, functional and mathematical programming blocks that enable sophisticated analytic algorithms
  • Cyber Defense: Single Sign-On, FIPS 140-2 federal standard Data Encryption, Third-Party Module Signing, Built in PKI management tools, Secure Boot, ..etc. are all native cyber defenses to all of our Niagara products.
  • Intelligent Edge: Niagara Supervisor works seamlessly with the Niagara Edge 10, which is delivered with embedded Niagara Framework software/firmware along with the powerful ACE deterministic engine. Today there is a host of third-party vendors offering controllers 'Powered by Niagara.'
  • Connectivity & Cloud: Niagara MQTT driver now supports easy integration with public clouds such as AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Google cloud. And, Tridium's JSON Toolkit makes it easy to construct bespoke messages into required formats for cloud communication
  • Certification & Compliance: Niagara 4 releases of Niagara Framework and underlying JACE hardware are BACnet Advanced Workstation (B-AWS) and BACnet Building Controller (B-BC) compliant. , Niagara Framework has also achieved FIPS 140-2 Level 1 conformance - an essential certification for mission-critical and highly regulated contexts like banking/finance and government/military work.

JACE 8000 Controller

The JACE® 8000 is a compact, embedded IoT (Internet of Things) controller and server platform for connecting multiple and diverse devices and sub-systems. With internet connectivity and web serving capability, the JACE 8000 controller provides integrated control, supervision, data logging, alarming, scheduling and network management. It streams data and rich graphical displays to a standard web browser via an Ethernet or wireless LAN, or remotely over the internet. Niagara Enterprise Security is an application that runs within the Niagara Framework® on the JACE 8000. Niagara Analytics is a data analytics extension to the Niagara Framework available on JACE 8000 controllers.

Niagara Edge 10

The Niagara Edge 10 is a 10-point IP-based field equipment controller that runs Niagara 4 at the edge, it is ideal for situations where there a limited number of points involved such as in the control of roof-top air handlers, fan-coil units, and other equipment

The ACE engine built into the Edge 10 provides a deterministic engine and fast start up to control time that can be programmed via wire-sheet. You don’t need to learn a new tool to:

  • Quickly build your network: Add many units with ease using tools designed for configuring and managing a field of edge devices in a manner that minimizes overall installation and configuration time.
  • Easily manage and deploy many devices: Edge devices typically have a single purpose, with multiple devices serving the same function. Use Niagara to create application templates and deploy to multiple devices with specific properties unique to each device.
  •  Keep your network secure: Security is always critical, Tridium has built tools that assist systems integrators in provisioning and managing security settings across devices on a network.

Niagara Analytics

Niagara Analytics gives you the real-time business intelligence you need to make smarter, swifter decisions and improve operations with less time, less work, less waste and less expense. You can run analyses, generate reports and create algorithms that refine your controls programming in a workflow customized to your needs and site. Niagara Analytics can be performed on real-time data from an embedded controller or on historical information that you’ve already saved. As soon as the Niagara Analytics package is installed, you can simply drop in an algorithm from a library and update the algorithm's data source tags to get started.

Key Features

  • Pre-Existing Analytics Data Model: Design time reduction by leveraging the Niagara 4 entity model
  • Defined Base Algorithms Library:  Variety of predefined algorithms provided, and building blocks for custom algorithms
  • Intuitive Programming: Familiar Niagara Framework wiresheet programming
  • Real-Time, On-Premise Analytic Control: Full analytics functionality on embedded controllers such as JACE® 8000s, and supports real-time energy optimization:
  • Automated Control Strategies: Advanced alarming, as well as Fault detection and diagnostics (FDD)
  • Powerful Visualization: HTML5-based and user-specific dashboards.

Unleash Niagara™ Platform

We have what it takes to help your business prosper with cross-functional, end-to-end, and ready to use vertical solutions for your Futuristic Integrated Facilities
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